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Permaculture and Environmental Activities Report

As we aim to improve our production capacity, we have decided to have multiple demonstration sites– the lowland for dry season production and the uplands for rainy season production.

Therefore, we have moved to the upland as the rainy season will soon arrive, and the lowland will be abandoned until the dry returns. We are currently designing the swale system for layout, as this depends on the site's location to suit the land.

However, crops we have planted in the lowland are doing very well, including cucumber, peanut, okra, corn, watermelon, etc. We have also prepared a nursery site, which will be used to buttress our environmental protection efforts in Lofa County.

Finally, we have decided to make a rice farm on the remaining lowland to support meal preparations for our activities next year. In so doing, we are kindly appealing for tools (rain boots, cutlass, shovel, gloves, etc.) and food for this year, in order to build resilience in the future.


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